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Chimera Tool Professional 12 Months Activation


One Year Chimera Professional Pack License Activation

For businesses fixing a medium quantity of phones each week, up to 1500 a year. Includes more computer slots and bonuses.

Register at https://chimeratool.com (if you`re buying for the first time)
Provide us with your Username while placing an order.
After your order is completed successfully, we will inform you about it via email

Please note. This activation is valid for one year only!
After the expiration you have to purchase it again, if you want to continue using Chimera Tool software.

Supported Models List https://chimeratool.com/en/models

Software Download https://chimeratool.com/en/download

Register https://chimeratool.com/en/signup

Decode Online*
Firmware Compatibility
Reset FRP Lock
Read Codes
Read Codes Online*
Patch Certificate
Write Cert
Network repair
Reset Screen Lock
Read Cert
Set SIM Count
CSC Change
Reset Reactivation Lock
Firmware Download
MSL Decoding
Enable Wipe*
Read Cert For Credits*
SW Change
Carrier Relock*
Restore / Store backup
Device Info
Repair Device Root Key
Reset EE Lock
Read Codes Online #2*
RMM Decoding
Repair EFS
Knoxguard Decoding
Get Info
Repair IMEI
Reset FRP / Reactivation Lock – UFS
Reset FRP / Reactivation Lock

Repair IMEI

IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) is a unique number for identifying a device on a mobile network. You can think of it as your phone’s social security number. It has 15 digits and is assigned to every GSM phone — CDMA device…

Patch Certificate

To answer this questions, here is some streamlined background information about how the phones work software-wise. Every phone has a serial number (IMEI). This is a digital data that gets connected to the given phone during manufactur…

Network Factory Reset

Network Factory reset resets all network related settings to the device’s factory state, before it was configured by any company or carrier. This can repair devices that don’t connect to networks that are compatible by factory state.

CSC Change

CSC means “Consumer Software Customization” or “Country Specific Code“. CSC is an essential component of Samsung firmware. It is an important part of the firmware binaries which contains many important data like customized settings, syst…

Read Certificate

As the name of the service can suggest, with the Read Cert you save certificate data. What is this Cert file? Basically, this is a digital data that gets connected to the given phone during manufacturing and it also gets signed by the ma…

Store / Restore Backup

Store/Restore Backup function is used to back up all individual calibration and safety parameters of the device. This can be done before you start working on the device or you can do it before every procedure. We do try to create backups…

Read Codes Online

If you are wondering about your phone’s default network unlock code, or you have repeatedly used the wrong code and the device now requires a so-called “unfreeze” code, this feature is for you. This may cost credits, but you will be warn…

Unlock / Relock Bootloader

In the simplest terms, a bootloader is a piece of software that runs every time your phone starts up. It tells the phone what programs to load in order to make your phone run. The bootloader starts up the Android operating system when y…

Device Info

Every important bit of information and device status can be read directly from the phone, for example: the serial number, factory data, hardware data, etc.

Write Certificate

You can restore certificate data with the Write Cert. Basically, this is a digital data that gets connected to the given phone during manufacturing and it also gets signed by the manufacturer this is the so-called Certificate. This certi…

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